The talk is based on ______________________ Video:
Abstract: The 2D XY model has attracted the attention of physicists and mathematicians for several decades. One way to understand…
Abstract: The Blume-Capel model can be seen as a natural generalisation of the Ising model, where spins are allowed to…
Abstract: The model is a classical model of ferromagnetism in statistical mechanics that has its origins in Euclidean quantum field…
Abstract: Hierarchical percolation is a toy model for percolation on Z^d that is expected to exhibit much of the same…
Abstract: We find the scaling limits of a general class of boundary-to-boundary connection probabilities and multiple interfaces in the critical…
Abstract: Consider long-range percolation on , where there is an edge between two points and with probability asymptotic to ,…
Abstract: Consider Ising model in three and higher dimensions with i.i.d. Gaussian externel field. We are going to show that…
Abstract: We will consider FK percolation on with infinite range interactions of the form where is a norm on and is…
Abstract: A few years ago Duminil-Copin, Goswami, Rodriguez and Severo established the sharpness of the phase transition for level-set percolation of the…